The Monaro Post will carry a 2024 LLS event cancellation story this Wednesday 29th, with a planned return in 2025 to the traditional Lake Foreshore area. The LLS Committee believe that our highly valued artist and supporter communities should be provided with additional information to appreciate why that difficult decision has been taken, and what we propose to focus on during the coming 18 months to ensure that we successfully re-launch in 2025.
Our LLS Event and Purpose:
Lake Light Sculpture is the leading arts and cultural event in the Snowy Mountains. This iconic outdoor sculpture festival, held annually on the foreshore of Lake Jindabyne, sprang to life in 2002. Based on the belief that public art is for everyone, this ephemeral event is held each year over the Easter period. These temporary sculpture installations around Lake Jindabyne enliven and activate this magnificent setting from dawn to after dusk.
Lake Light Sculpture encourages experimentation, and holds firm in its belief that broad community collaboration is the key to a great event. Lake Light Sculpture endeavours to develop local engagement in the Arts through strong community connection. The event works in partnership with the community to activate and inspire, build participation, edify and entertain. The annual event regularly attracts more than 20,000 visitors.
LLS Committee Meeting Report from 30th October 2023 – Proposed Directions / Action Items:
With a safe physical environment not guaranteed in the foreshore area of Lake Jindabyne for 2023, the ‘Lake Light Sculpture – Street Edition’ was held. Lake Light Sculpture Committee members met recently to review the 2023 event, and examine the best way forward.
The October 30 meeting reflected onthe positive overall success of the 2023 LLS Event, despite the many operational and financial challenges that the LLS Street Edition encountered. It was noted that the main 2023 LLS event locations have experienced growing usage since the exposure afforded during our 2023 LLS Event.
The main October 30 meeting decisions / directions were:
- The LLS Committee will work toward ensuring that the LLS Event returns to the Lake Jindabyne foreshore precinct in Easter 2025. This would be contingent upon completion of necessary foreshore remedial and upgrade works during 2024/25, that ensures community safety and accessibility, including during night-time hours. With over 25,000 visitors in our peak years, it is important to the LLS Committee that we deliver a top quality event that can genuinely showcase the works in a beautiful and safe location. Given the current state of the Lake Foreshore pathway and surrounds, a safe physical environment in the Jindabyne Lake Foreshore precinct cannot be guaranteed for 2024.
- The LLS Committee will meet and/or communicate with our critical artists and our event partners – supporters – sponsors – organisations, during the coming 3 to 4 month period, with an objective to build commitment toward the proposed 2025 LLS event return to the rejuvenated Lake Jindabyne foreshore precinct, and the proposed 2026 LLS ‘25th Anniversary’ Celebration Event. The LLS Committee has an objective to secure a solid foundation for organisational growth and vitality, with a commitment to our exhibiting artists (past / present / future), and to ensure that the event remains a viable community partnership.
This will occur through: Direct email contact and follow-up discussions with:
- The Exhibiting Artist Community (Past / Present / Future). Contact to be made with Artists from the week commencing 27th Nov.
- Major Sponsor / Supporter / Partner Groups. Snowy Monaro Regional Council (Meeting held 21st Nov) / Snow Hydro (Meeting held 17th Nov) / South-East Arts / Tourism Snowy Mountains / NSW State Government / Lake Crackenback Resort – Mitre 10 – Australian Land Company / Snowy Regional Solar / Thredbo Resort / Perisher Resort / Rydges Horizons / Wild Brumby Distillery / Rebel Studio – Rebel Penfold Russell / Previous sponsors of significance including Woolworths, Jindabyne Real Estate Agencies, Jindabyne Hotels & Snowy Mountains Accommodation Providers, Jindabyne Yoga Shala, Bendigo Bank, Monaro Post & Snow Post (Meeting held 22nd Nov), Snowy Mountains Magazine,
- Major Community Connections: Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce and the JCC Membership (Initial meetings held) / Jindabyne Lions Club (Initial meetings held) / Jindabyne Art Gallery Society (Initial discussions held) / Local Schools & Early Childhood Communities including; SMGS (Initial meeting held), JPS & JHS (Meeting booked for 29th Nov), Snowy Mountains Early Learning Centre / The wider School Communities of Cooma – Berridale – Adaminaby – ACT – SE NSW Region – Snowy Valleys Region / Tertiary Education Communities, including CU (Residency, Intern Volunteers), ANU / Other Major Regional Arts Groups, including Snowy Valleys Trail, Sculpture Bermagui / Sport Communities, including Snow Australia (Initial discussions held), National Snowsports Training Centre (Initial discussions held), Snowy Flowing Festival Committee (Initial discussions held) / Other Community Groups, including the CWA, Community Connections.
- The LLS Committee will communicate strongly with the LLS wider community during the coming 4 to 5 month period (pre-Easter 2024), on LLS event development plans for 2025 and 2026, and beyond. This will include all current and previous LLS Members, LLS Committee Members, LLS Life Members.
This will occur through: Direct Member email – eNews Updates (Commencing 23rd Nov) / Mailchimp LLS Subscriber eNews Updates – Mailchimp LLS Artists eNews Update – LLS Website Update (Meeting with Kate Howarth Digital held 23rd Nov) / Local Newspaper (Initial Public Announcement in week commencing 27th Nov) + Other publications.
- The LLS Committee will publicise our directions to the visiting public during Easter 2024, with a focus on collaboration with the Jindabyne Lions Club (Art Show) management team. A small information corner on LLS 2025 planning will be located inside the Jindabyne Memorial Hall during the 2024 Lions Club Easter Art Show period. This information corner will also promote the existing Snowy Valleys, Jindabyne, and Snowy Mountains Sculpture trails and Public Art locations. In addition, the LLS Committee will examine options to coordinate with the Snowy Monaro Regional Council (SMRC), and the NSW Dept. Planning re: SAP Development Exhibition. Snowy Hydro will partner with LLS has to promote the Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail, which is now sponsored by Snowy Hydro. This will include additional information on the important educational opportunities afforded by the Regional Sculpture Trails. LLS has agreed to collaborate with Snowy Hydro in their Snowy Valleys Trail Schools Education Program Development, moving forward.
- The 2023 LLS Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be held on Monday 18th December at the Jindabyne Bowling Club (5.00pm – Downstairs Conference Room). Immediately following the LLS AGM, a LLS General Meeting will examine a range of proposed re-development options as we work toward a sustainable, engaging, artist and community focused event in 2025, with an eye on our 25th Anniversary Event in 2026, and beyond. It is anticipated the two meetings will conclude by 6.30pm, with a general invite to the LLS membership to join with the LLS committee member for an informal get-together upstairs after.
- The incoming LLS Management Committee will collaboratively review the 2025 to 2030 LLS Purpose and Objectives. This review would include potential changes to the LLS Constitution with a focus on specifically advancing and fostering culture in the Snowy Mountains Region in the fields of Community and Visual Arts, involving the re-development of core community links and sustainable involvement in the organisation- promotion-conduct of the annual Lake Light Event on the shores of Lake Jindabyne during the Easter Holiday period. This review would examine a range of options including:
- A possible expansion of the LLS exhibition dates from the current 4 days, to an 8-9 day period, and the staged introduction and development of a related and expanded Snowy Mountains Arts Festival period, or similar, in collaboration with other Community Groups.
- Options to celebrate the (2026) “ LLS 25th Anniversary (2002-26)” Event, including a retrospective exhibition proposal.
The LLS Committee will continue to publish further updates during 2024 to ensure that our artist and supporter communities are kept informed of developments.
Image above: Jimmy Rix I’ve got this chicken legs! 2023 Corten steel 311 x 120 x 90 cm. Photo by Lisa Hogben.